
Teaching English Learners with Confidence

Welcome to A Walk in the Chalk- a space for teachers of ELs!

I’m Kristen, an ELD teacher and curriculum resource designer dedicated to helping other teachers of multilingual learners.

This site is all about giving new AND seasoned teachers the information, resources and tools needed to feel confident in all aspects of this essential teaching role. 

I began my ESOL teaching career in 2005 and was fortunate to have had an amazing mentor my first few years.

Every new teacher deserves a mentor like I had, and that is the driving force here, where we “walk in the chalk” together.

As a fellow ESOL teacher, I know just how challenging teaching ELD can be.

That's why I've created a collection of engaging and effective resources for you all right here.

  • ready-to-use materials

  • engaging lesson ideas

  • high impact strategies

  • self paced PD (Coming Soon)

Find resources & instructional practices for ELs that are...

and feel confident about your teaching!

Mission Statement

To provide teachers of multilingual learners with the tools, resources and strategies needed to plan effectively, teach with confidence, and expertly support colleagues and staff with equitable practices.